Eiffel Tower | By Night

Written by and Photography by Charla in Travel

Paris’ lovely Eiffel Tower has a rich history well-documented elsewhere – as 21 million Google search results can attest. It has been painted, sketched, chalked, and depicted in so many ways that you forget how it takes your breath away the first time you see it out the bus, train or taxi window as you arrive into the city.

It is not every day that as travelers from California we find ourselves in Paris standing under the glowing lights of the Tower at sunset. The same way that you take heart in rediscovering a long-lost friend after years of looking at pictures, so too can the Eiffel Tower in real life make you notice colors, feelings, and moods that weren’t there before. These are the moods of the Eiffel Tower, at night, like we have never seen.

EiFfel Tower Paris

Eiffel Tower Paris






