Day Twenty-Three
It may have been 6am, or 7am, I’m not entirely sure. I just knew that I was in trouble.
“Why were my vitamins in the trash?” asked Charla.
Uh oh. Laying in bed and wishing I was still asleep, I tried to piece it together. So, you see, I was flushing the toilet and the vitamins fell in and it was totally gross and I just couldn’t deal so I threw them away and yes I may have forgotten to tell you but I was busy grossing out at the time.
I’m sure that this will be a hilarious story very soon. After the dog jumped on my head and barfed in the hallway, I decided to get out of bed.
For richer or poorer; for better or worse. It is too easy to fall into the cliché of those words that we have all heard too many times.
Sidebar: The last time that I heard those words may have been on an episode of The Bachelor. It was an epic tearjerker. And yet… even less-than-perfect days like today are a part of the story, the story of us – thirty days and beyond – that we are living.
Anyway. I had just finished my morning coffee. “It looks like it’s going to rain in Santa Barbara on our wedding day,” Charla said. I nodded, hiding my alarm. Sure enough, I checked. 60% chance of rain.
But rather than grumble, I am counting in my head how many umbrellas we should get for our guests. “Clear plastic umbrellas,” advised a website specializing in rainy weddings. Good advice.
Better advice is this: It’s not just a wedding, it’s a marriage. With my birthday letter from Charla ringing in my head since I revisited it yesterday, I am playing over again the moment when we get married. Rather than under sunny skies it may be under a big umbrella. I don’t care how wet I get.